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Practical Course M / Moderne Physik I

An overview page with all information about the Practical Course M is located on the website of the Physics Department.

If you have questions regarding the Practical Course M experiments at the I. Institute of Physics (listed below), please contact Mr. Dr. F. Lewen (Tel. 2757).


You can sign up at the Practical Courses database. It is accessible under

If you are not already registered in the database through earlier participation in Practical Course A or B, you can create a new account with the function "Sign up".

Particularly, you can find the registration deadlines under "Events" in the database.


No. Name of Experiment Assistant Tel.
M 1.1 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Dr. Rolf Berger 3612
M 1.2 Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy Prof. Hendrik Fuchs 
FZ Jülich 
h.fuchs [at]
02461 61 6741
M 1.3 Microwave Radiometer tbd 1936
M 1.4 Radio Astronomy with a Satellite Dish Dr. Urs Graf 4092
M 1.5 Isotopic Shift in the Spectra of Hydrogen and Deuterium Rebeka Miklosi 3489
M 1.6 FTIR spectroscopy Dr. Sven Thorwirth 1936
M 1.7 I–V Characteristics of an SIS Tunnel Junction under Irradiation of Millimeter Waves Dr. Netty Honing 3484
M 1.8 Microwave Spectroscopy Florian Pirlet 1665

The experiment number corresponds to the respective identifier in the database. All experiment appointments must be performed as a group after free arrangement with the responsible assistants. All attestations (one for each successful performance, one for each correct report) are documented in the database by the assistant and can be viewed there with the function "My Appointments".

If you are scheduled for two or three of the experiments "Microwave Radiometer", "Radio Astronomy" and "Microwave Spectroscopy", it is advisable to perform them in the stated order because they are based on each other.